Find the right compost for your plants...

Alpine Compost
Alpine compost is perfect for growing alpines in your containers.

Top Soil
Top soil compost is perfect to enrich the soil in your borders ready for planting.

Multi Purpose Compost
Multi Purpose compost is a good all rounder for digging into your borders to enrich your soil, and for potting up your hanging baskets and containers.
We stock a variety of composts for different situations.

We stock decorative and landscape bark. Used to enhance the look of your borders, keep the weeds under control and retain moisture. Also offers protection in the winter for delicate plants if used as a mulch.

Ericaceous Compost
Ericaceous compost is perfect for your acid loving plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas and camellias.

Gro Bags
Bags of compost, brilliant for growing your own vegtable plants (tomatoes, salads and herbs) in your green house.